« on: September 07, 2009, 04:20:01 am » |
Siggies-To-Go Forum Rules
This forum is here for your enjoyment. Our Rules & Regulations are in place to protect our members and enhance our users experience as this is a friendly forum. By using this site, you agree to having read and understood these conditions and any violation may result in the termination of your account at the full discretion of the Siggies-To-Go Management Team. Please observe these few very simple rules!
1 You must not publish any material which could be considered offensive to any particular member.
2 You must not publish any material which could be considered unsuitable for family viewing.
3 You must not use any computer programs to generate automatic posts in an attempt to boost your post count or spam the boards.
4 You must not use the community areas to advertise any website, apart from the areas specifically relevant to the forum. Although a small link in signatures are ok
5 You must not post advertisements of any description on any of the forums with out consent from the Administration Team. Any post of this nature will be removed without notice and the member posting will be removed and banned. There will be no exceptions to this rule.
The Private Message System is also NOT to be used for Advertising of ANY kind.
By observing these few simple rules, you are helping our members enjoy their time here more and that in time will generate more members by way of word of mouth, which will of course enhance your own experience here and create endless opportunities to meet and befriend many people. Above all have fun and happy posting.
Please sign below to show you have Read and Understood and will abide by the Rules & Regulations. Thank you.
Kind regards,
The Siggies-To-Go Team.
Posts: 1
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2011, 10:52:26 am » |
read and understood
Posts: 1
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2011, 10:41:25 am » |
read and understood
Posts: 2
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2012, 01:27:46 am » |
Read ty.